Art Cloth Mastery Program


The Art Cloth Mastery Program, designed in 2007, requires five week-long sessions in my San Antonio studio, in addition to demanding assignments which are completed during the interim periods. 

Participants are artists familiar with surface design processes—dyeing, discharging, silk-screening, for example—who wanted to raise the bar of their own work.

Upon completion of the program, students mount as many as three exhibitions—the first online, and second in the gallery at my in San Antonio as part of the On And Off Fredericksburg Road Studio Tour, and the third as an invited exhibition at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas.

These exhibitions are a sampling of the diverse work being presented by serious students of surface design today. Each of these artists will continue to generate studio work for exhibition after the program is completed. A few may choose to extend their circle of influence by teaching. Others may decide to write a book or produce some other lasting contribution to the field. The future is rich with possibility. It is always my great pleasure to accompany them on this exciting path.